Tag | The Liebster Award

I was tagged to do this by Candyfloss Trees so thank you for the tag.

The rules for this is to
 - link the blogger who nominated you
 - answer the questions you received
 - give 11 facts about yourself
 - nominate 11 other bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer
 - tell those 11 bloggers that you nominated them

So the 11 questions that I received are:

What is your favourite clothes shop?
My favourite clothes shop is actually New Look.
Converse or Vans?
I prefer Converse.
Superdrug or Boots?
Superdrug! I worked there for a few months over Christmas.
What inspired you to become a blogger?
The thing that inspired me to become a blogger was because I had watched different makeup tutorials on YouTube and I realized that I really enjoyed applying makeup and I wanted to show people what I could do with makeup and because it was a hobby as well.
Do you have any other talents, apart from blogging?
Apart from blogging, baking is also a talent that I have. I love baking, cupcakes especially and I'm quite good at it.
Who was the first person you told about your blog?
The first person I told about my blog was actually one of my friends at school and two years later I actually told my family...
Neutral or bright lipstick?
If you had your own makeup/clothing brand, what would it be called?
My own makeup brand would probably be called Sparkle because its like my blog name!
What is your worst habit?
I have a few bad habits but the worse one is biting my nails...
If you could only wear one makeup product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would quite happily just wear my mascara for the rest of my life.
Eye makeup or face makeup?
Eye makeup over face makeup. I prefer eye makeup which is the explanation for the 'Eyes' in 'SparkleEyes'

11 Facts about myself are:

- My favourite type of movies is Disney Movies - not the new live action things but the old classic movies like Lion King, 101 Dalmatians and secretly I love Disney Princess movies as well.
- Even though I love Disney Movies, I don't like going to the cinema, I'm not a massive fan of watching movies and I actually don't know why.
- My favourite quote is 'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'.
- My favourite song is actually 'Somewhere only we Know' by Keane
- I have a really bad obsession with leopard print, I have nearly everything in leopard print and I just love it!
- I currently have four horses (used to have five), a dog and a cat plus some fish as well.
- I love photography!
- I get incredibly emotional about things I watch on TV sometimes and if I see or hear anything that reminds me of a family member or a pet I will cry.
- I'm actually quite good at insulting people and being incredibly sarcastic and witty
- I can't stand people that lie about everything, a few people I know do it and it drives me crazy but the funny thing is I know when people are lying.
- I hate vegetables

The questions that I am giving you guys are:

1) What is your biggest beauty pet peeve?
2) What is your favourite colour lipstick to wear?
3) How long have you had your blog?
4) Stud earrings or hoop earrings?
5) Favorite makeup brand?
6) What is the most expensive beauty or makeup product you own?
7) Who is your favourite beauty/fashion YouTuber?
8) What is the reason behind your blog/YouTube name?
9) Liquid Eyeliner or Pencil Eyeliner?
10) What is your favourite skincare brand to use?
11) The first makeup product you remember using?

I don't actually have 11 people to tag so in that case I tag everyone reading this with a beauty blog :) 

SparkleEyes x


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