Behind the Blog

Hey guys

Today I wanted to go a little bit further and tell you all what happens behind the blog - everything from where I made my logo to how I decide what and when to publish and stuff like that. My blog isn't very technical, as you can see, but there is quite a bit that goes on here so I want to tell you how I do that and I hope it encourages you to start a blog if you're allowed so I hope you like this :)

As you know, from the start I had a typed logo from Blogger templates. A few weeks ago in IT, we had to generate a logo for our work and it gave me an idea to make my own logo for my blog. Anyway, you can make your own logo at The first logo I made here was just temporary then I created the logo that is on my blog right now. I literally spent a while typing in single letters at the time and choosing which fonts look good. I did plan this out first and went to the website and did some experimental logos and decided which letters needed changing fonts etc. After about two or three days of this, I finally chose the finished logo. Because the letters were single, I went to photoshop and on a transparent background I imported them all and put them together so the logo was ready to go up on my blog. It took me a while to figure out how to actually get the logo up on the blog but I figured it out eventually :)

Most professional bloggers have an acual photo studio to photograph products with and the mini photo studios aren't that cheap but there is a way that I photograph stuff which you guys can do at home and I'm pretty sure you all have access to it... I get a white towel or sheet and lay it over the edge of my bed so some of it goes onto the floor. Then I set up a desk lamp for lighting and I switch on my a wall lamp thats like a metre and a bit away. I'll just put the products on the flat bit of the sheet and just use my iPhone to take the pictures. It's that simple! Then I can't be bothered to wait for my slow laptop to upload the photos so I upload them straight to my blog via the Blogger App and either in IT or at lunchtime or at home to type the post and then re-position the photos. Ta-Da!!

Publish Schedule
So I have to create a schedule so I can keep on top of my blog because I will go ages without posting anything so thats why. It will change almost every month because of exam revision, coursework, school and social life things like that, but, I will have some backup posts saved as drafts so if there is an occaison where I'm on holiday, party, exam or coursework stuff and there isn't really an excuse not to publish because posting a back-up post takes pretty much one click.

If you wonder where I get the ideas for tutorial series or looks, I usually type in a random tutorial look into Google Images (like Rainbow Eyes) and save some pictures into a folder where I can just adapt them into my own verison so it's not exactly copying. The actual ideas are from everyday surroundings like weather or just celebrities that have amazing makeup... I might re-create a look from a YouTuber but just make it my own by swapping colours etc.

So this is pretty much how my blog works and I hope you enjoyed this

SparkleEyes x


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