Skincare | Winter Skincare Tips

Hey guys

I was researching some ways for you to maintain your skin during the wintertime. Usually during the winter, I feel my skin loses moisture and feels dull and tired etc so it might be the same for you guys so I found these great homemade face masks for you to try during the cold months.

The website I got this information from is and it has really great information on skincare, makeup, fashion and more so it is a really awesome website to go look at.

These are the 5 skin saviour masks that will help your skin look its best this winter.

An avocado mask is perfect for dry skin that may become very irritated in the winter.
It is easy to make: mash the flesh of avocado with a fork, add a touch of extra-virgin olive oil, and apply this smooth, fragrant mixture onto your face.
This nourishing mask will supply your skin with a whole range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and softening agents to fight winter dryness.

A cultured milk mask is a simple and effective cure for tired skin.
Just apply a bit of natural yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, or kefir on your face avoiding areas around the eyes. Relax for 10-15 minutes and rinse your face with cool water.
This mask softens, rejuvenates, and restores a natural pH balance of your skin, thus, protecting it from negative influences of winter air.

An egg white mask is good for oily skin with large pores.
Smooth a beaten egg white all over your face, let rest for half-an-hour, and rinse with water.
This mask will refresh and tighten your oily skin and will make it look much healthier than before. In the winter, it will create a natural barrier to protect your skin from harsh winds and frost.

An oatmeal mask is a great remedy for skin beaten by a cold wind. To make it, mix together in equal proportions raw oatmeal flakes, egg yolk, and honey. Keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, wash with lukewarm water, and pat dry. After the application, your facial skin should feel very soft, refreshed, and healed.

If you have combination skin suffering from winter elements, try a softening banana mask. Mix mashed banana with fresh sweet cream and apply this wonderful mask all over your face for 30 minutes. It will smooth, soften, moisturise and nourish your skin whenever necessary and will make you forget about the cold, harsh, and nasty winter outside!

I hope these tips work out for you guys

SparkleEyes x


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