Hamburger Cupcake Recipe

I made burger-themed cupcakes for our boss at work who was leaving, and since we work in a restaurant that specialises in burgers, these treats worked perfectly and everyone loved them! Since they were a success amongst my colleagues, I thought it would be a fun idea to show you how to make them here. They're so easy to make and people actually did think they were real mini burgers!
For this recipe you will need a cupcake, a brownie cut in a circle the same width as the cupcake, orange fondant icing, green, yellow and red writing icing and the optional extra of sesame seeds. With a cupcake, cut it in half horizontally so you have a top and bottom half.
 Using green writing icing I used this to look like lettuce and outlined the edges with a thicker layer so it overhangs the cupcake.
 With the brownie, I cut them in half to make them a bit thinner and placed it on top of the bottom of the cupcake.
 I used orange fondant icing as American cheese and rolled it out into a flat square shape and placed it on top of the brownie. Then I took some yellow writing icing to look like mustard and applied this on top and this is going to help the cupcake top stick together.
Place the top of the cupcake back on and then you can finish off by adding sesame seeds on top.
These can be decorated in any way you want, you can add more bits of brownies to double up the burger, make other fillings to put inside and get creative with these.
Beth x


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