Tutorial | DIY Banana and Honey Face Mask

Hey guys

Now for the next part of my DIY Beauty series. This one today is the Banana and Honey Mask, suitable for mainly combination-normal skin but I think it could suit everyone! It may seem disgusting to smear bananas all over your face but this stuff is amazing.

In a bowl, crush a whole banana with a fork. Add in two or three tablespoons of honey, this helps it stick, but also nourishes the skin.

Cover your entire face with the mixture. Don't worry about the lumps getting on there, just make sure the liquid bit is on your face. Apply about half of it, minus the lumps, and wait five minutes. After five minutes, apply the rest of the runny mixture. Wait a further five minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Apply your moisturiser afterwards. Voila :)

SparkleEyes x


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