Hello everyone, really quickly I wanted to write this blogpost to say that today marks three years since the launch of SparkleEyes and I wanted to write a short blog post about it. I am so overwhelmed to think that three years ago I first clicked the 'Publish' button on Blogger. Since then, I feel I have come a long way with my blog and I have learnt so many new skills in terms of writing a blog, makeup and skincare and interacting with other people who share the same interests as me. It's amazing to think that I have managed to keep up with an activity for this long and more than anything I hope to keep this up for as long as possible because I absolutely love writing my blog, especially considering I have never been one who 'loves' writing. I've always been unsuccessful in keeping up an activity for any longer than a few months, but I guess it's because I never found what I was interested in. When I started this blog, it was just to try something new. W...