4 Things I'd Tell my Younger Self

In hindsight, we all look back at the things we did when we were younger; the good, the bad and the ugly and it gave me inspiration to write this post and share the things that I would tell my younger, 13-year-old-self. And yes, I am 13 in that photo on the left, the one with that super fab red jacket.

1. Don't worry about what you want to do in the future
Up until about three years ago, I still didn't know what I wanted to do as a career. I had different ideas including being a vet and marine biology but I never had a lot of ambition to work towards them. In 2013 I joined Sixth Form for two years and it was during that time when I started my blog and when I decided to go into the makeup industry as a career.

2. Stop comparing yourself to other people
Everyone is different and unique and it doesn't matter if you are different to someone else. Be yourself, be original, don't compare your skills, your opinions, your wealth etc to anyone else. You are you. They are them.

3. Try more new things
When I was younger I didn't like trying new things but now as I've gotten older I've realised that there are so any incredible things out there waiting to be discovered. Don't be afraid to take risks in trying a new hobby, activity or even a new type of food.

4. Have more self belief
Don't keep saying 'no' to things all the time, believe in yourself more, take more risks and realise that you are capable of achieving great things. Don't let yourself get distracted by things that aren't worth it and learn to enjoy things more too.

I challenge you to list four things you'd tell your younger self!

SparkleEyes x


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