Perfect Hot Chocolate Recipe

One of my favourite things about Autumn and the run up to Christmas is making hot chocolates and snuggling up in my onesie and relaxing in the evenings with candles burning. Cadbury hot chocolate is my favourite to make at home but my all time favourite flavour is the White Hot Chocolate from Costa and I can't wait for it to be available again. This is my favourite hot chocolate recipe and I actually learnt this method in my job and I've also had a lot of practise so I know that this is the perfect hot chocolate. You can use whatever hot chocolate brand you want, Cadbury is my favourite so I'm using that one.

I am pouring a sachet of hot chocolate into a mug and then I am pouring milk in the glass so it reaches the same level as the top of the handle. Then I am just giving this a stir and then placing in the microwave for one minute. After it has been in there for a minute, I am stirring it again and then putting it back in the microwave for another minute. After the second minute I am going to stir it one more time until all the little lumps of hot chocolate are gone.
For the topping, which is the best part, I am using some whipped cream and creating a mountain of whipped cream on top. The best way to do this is just squeeze a bit onto the centre and around the rim of the glass and then build up the cream in short bursts, turning the glass round so evenly distribute the cream.
Then you can finish by adding any other topping you wish, I am using butterscotch pieces to adorn the top of the cream.
Take your hot chocolate and enjoy!

Every time I make hot chocolate I always think of one song and start singing it and that is the Hot Chocolate song from The Polar Express. If you have no idea what I am talking about then watch this video, it's great!
SparkleEyes x


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