Lazy Summer Morning Routine

Yawn! Good morning! I haven't done a morning routine before, but I thought now was the perfect opportunity because I can show you what I get up to in the morning during Summer. I don't have a specific 'routine' that I do every morning, but I do roughly the same things whether I am going out somewhere or if I am having a lazy day at home.

I will wake up at any time. If I'm not going out anywhere I will wake up anywhere from 9/10am onwards but if I am going out I could wake up at around 8/9am. When I do actually wake up the first thing that I do is go on my iPad and check my messages, check social media, see what is happening on the news and generally just procrastinate to get out of bed.
When I do get out of bed, I go see my cat and my dog (yes, I actually do go say good morning to them!) Twinkle is usually on my bed when I wake up but if not then she will be asleep in the other room and Jack is always fast asleep downstairs in one of his chairs (my pets are spoilt!).
I don't always eat in the morning but I will drink some water before I make breakfast, if I do decide to make it. Since I don't usually eat in the morning, there isn't anything specific I have. I just raid the cupboards and the fridge to see what there is. This morning I had strawberries and a banana with some grapes.
I then move onto my skincare routine which in the morning is quite basic. I start off by using the Neutrogenia Pink Grapefruit Facial Wash followed by the Garnier Moisture Match in Oily to Combination.

I then go do everything else I need to do, get dressed, sort out my hair and maybe do some makeup. If I am going out somewhere I will either straighten my hair or put it up but if my day is going to be lazy I just put it in a high bun. Lazy days mean no makeup unless I'm doing it for a blog post but I will spend a while doing my makeup if I'm going out. I have an everyday and an evening makeup tutorial coming up so you can see how I will do my makeup.
SparkleEyes x


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