Little Ways to Improve your Blogging Organisation

This post is for all you bloggers! We all put a lot of hard work and effort into our blogs, and to help keep track of everything in my blog and to maintain my progress and productivity, I have created this planner. This helps to brainstorm and plan blog posts, keep track of stats, plus some other information I want to record. This post may inspire you to improve your own organisation for your blog and I have some tips to share too!
 I created this in Microsoft Word and then just printed it out myself and put it in a plain white A4 ring binder that I already had. On the front cover, I printed out a title page and stuck it on the front just to make the presentation a bit nicer and I used my blog logo and the same pink font.
 Inside I have a quote that is quite a motivational saying and this encourages me to actually continue blogging to be able to achieve my goals.
 Then I have a year view of 2015 on the next page.
 I'm using August as an example since I haven't filled it in yet, but on the first page of each month I have a place where I can write the number of page views I got that month and then the total number of views and I like this because I can see how my traffic changes. Then I have a speech bubble where I brainstorm ideas about what I want to blog about in this month, the products I have to review and the tutorials I want to do as well.
 I have a wish list each month and I write down the products I want to try so if I see a new product release in this month, I will write it here and make it my aim to purchase it in that month in order to get my review out as soon as I can.
 This is my weekly calendar where I write the blog post that is being published on that day and then I tick the box next to it when it has been published. I write this in pencil because I tend to move some blog posts around so I can rub them out and then rewrite without having to see a load of scribbles everywhere. I like this because I can see the running order of my blog posts.
 This is where I brainstorm each blog post. I write the title, the date that it needs to be published and then the category it goes in, whether its review, tutorial or whatever. Then underneath that I have 'Main Ideas' where I quickly jot down some of the main points I want to cover. If its a review post, I will write down my thoughts, if its a tutorial I will write down the shades I want to use and how I did the look so that after I photographed it, I can refer back to this to see the steps. In the 'To Do' section, I simply write a little memo of things I need to do to the blog post before I publish it. Then I have a little checklist where I tick off the status of the blog post until all of them are done and then I know that I've been productive and scheduled a blogpost that has photos, correct spelling etc. I fit two of these in one page.
 On the left hand side, I write down all the purchases I have made in that month so that when I write the haul blog post, it is easier to refer to this rather than digging out receipts or trying to hunt for the products in my collection. I photograph them when I get them home so that I can store them all in a folder on my laptop ready to be uploaded onto a blog post and this is a great tip because it means that you have a photo of the product that is brand new, has no swatches or marks in it and looks more appealing on a blog post in my opinion. Then on the other side I write down all the things I have been loving to make writing the Monthly Favourites post easier.
 I added something else in later, but I included a few pages at the end for a wish list where I've written down every single thing I want to purchase and this way, I don't feel pressured into buying it within a certain time. I like making wish lists and I have a wide range of products from all kinds of brands so it's not all just the ones that are usually out of my budget.
Also at the back I have a list where I can write ideas for blog posts so that when I have bloggers block, I can refer to this for inspiration.
I hope you found this useful and encouraged you to become more organised and productive in your blogging. You can definitely tailor this to suit your own niche if you wanted to and I have just found it so much more easier to remember what to do on my blog and I think it definitely helps. I can also plan and brainstorm posts in advance and can easily write an idea down for whatever month in the correct area so I don't forget or lose it. Making your own one is a lot nicer, I think, because you can add your own personal touch and include what you want to. I've seen plenty of other planners on the market but I don't see why you should pay £30/£40 for something you can make yourself.
Please let me know if you make your own planner, or what your favourite blogger planner is.
SparkleEyes x


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